What does kotak pensil in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kotak pensil in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kotak pensil in Indonesian.

The word kotak pensil in Indonesian means pencil case, pencil box, pencil case. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kotak pensil

pencil case

noun (object purposed to contain stationery)

kemampuan bicara yang hebat dan kotak pensil yang bagus.
superior conversational skills and excellent pencil cases.

pencil box


Mengapa kita tidak meletakkannya di dalam kotak pensil bukan?
Why don't we put it in this pencil box instead?

pencil case

noun (container used to store pencils, pens and writing equipment)

kemampuan bicara yang hebat dan kotak pensil yang bagus.
superior conversational skills and excellent pencil cases.

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Bantu aku menempatkan kotak pensil ini di pantatku.
Help me put this pencil box in my butt.
Kecuali maksudmu kotak pensilku.
Unless you're talking about my pencil case.
2 jam kemudian, aku membuatnya sesak nafas di dalam kotak pensilku.
I accidentally suffocated him two hours later in my pencil box.
Mengapa kita tidak meletakkannya di dalam kotak pensil bukan?
Why don't we put it in this pencil box instead?
Ini adalah kotak pensil saya.
This is my pencil case.
Ini kotak pensil.
It's a pencil box.
Anak itu mengeluarkan buku tulis dan kotak pensil dari tas sekolahnya lalu meletakkan kedua benda itu di mejanya.
She took her notebook and pencil box out of her schoolbag and put them on her desk.
Teman-teman, kotak hitam Janek ada di mejanya di antara tempat pensil dan lampu.
Fellows, Janek's little black box is on his desk between the pencil jar and the lamp.
Tapi penyebabnya bukan hanya kepribadian yang mengagumkan, kemampuan bicara yang hebat dan kotak pensil yang bagus.
But it's not just because of our dashing personalities, superior conversational skills and excellent pencil cases.
Liontin itu ada di dalam kotak pensil.
The locket is in the pencil box.
Berapa besar rasa bersalah anda untuk membawa pulang sebuah pensil, dibanding dengan berapa besar rasa bersalah anda mengambil uang 10 sen dari kotak kas?
How bad would you feel about taking a pencil from work home, compared to how bad would you feel about taking 10 cents from a petty cash box?
Lukas, di dalam kotak ini adalah pensil dan dua lembar kertas.
Luke, inside this box is a pencil and two pieces of paper.
Si anak akan lulus tes tersebut jika dia merespon bahwa orang lain akan berpikir bahwa ada "Smarties" di dalam kotak, namun gagal bila mereka merespon bahwa orang lain akan berpikir bahwa kotak berisi pensil.
The child passes the task if he/she responds that another person will think that "Smarties" exist in the box, but fails the task if she responds that another person will think that the box contains pencils.
Setelah si anak menebak (biasanya) "Smarties", setiap mereka diperlihatkan bahwa kotak tersebut sebenarnya berisi pensil.
After the child guesses (usually) "Smarties", it is shown that the box in fact contained pencils.
Sebuah stoples pensil, tetapi tidak ada kotak hitam kecil.
Ajar of pencils, but no little black box.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of kotak pensil in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.