What does koper in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word koper in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use koper in Indonesian.
The word koper in Indonesian means suitcase, baggage, case, suitcase. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word koper
suitcasenoun (large piece of luggage) Petugas Bea dan Cukai meminta saya untuk membuka koper saya. A customs official asked me to open my suitcase. |
baggagenoun Kita punya tas dan sebuah koper di gerbong barang. We've got suitcases and a trunk in the baggage car. |
casenoun Sammy katakan Whitmore akan memerasmu dengan koper itu. Sammy told me Whitmore was gonna blackmail you with that case. |
suitcaseverb noun (form of luggage) Koper saya hilang di bandara My suitcase disappeared at the airport. |
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B.A., aku kehilangan kopernya. B.A., I lost the case. |
silahkan tinggalkan kopernya. But like we said, you can leave the case. |
Lalu memasukkan Mary Jane di koper yang besar. And I put MaryJane in the big suitcase. |
Salah satu brosur berjudul Double Bottom —istilah yang memaksudkan ruang rahasia untuk lektur yang dibuat saudara-saudara di bagian dasar koper dan tas. One brochure was entitled Double Bottom —a term referring to the secret literature compartment that brothers built into the bottoms of suitcases and bags. |
Guy dengan koper. Guy with the briefcase. |
Aku mencuri uang, tapi tidak dengan sebuah koper. I stole the money, but not with a suitcase. |
Aku akan mematikannya/ Mereka akan gelisah...... Karena mereka tahu teroris menggunakan telepon untuk memicu bom dalam koper mereka I' m gonna turn it off.- They get uneasy...... because they know terrorists use their phones to trigger bombs in their luggage |
John dan aku akan masuk ke dalam sana menyikat kopernya John and I will go in here should be no problems, |
Kenapa ada koper? Why the luggage? |
Bisa tidak kau bawa aku dalam kopermu? Can't you take me in your suitcase? |
Kursi, koper, semua kayu yang bisa kita temukan. Seats, luggage, any wood we can find. |
Uang itu sendiri terlalu banyak untuk di-asukkan ke koper atau ke tas besar. The cash itself would have too much bulk for a suitcase or large overnight bag. |
Dan letakkan kedua koper di jok depan kalau tak ada tempat lagi. And keep both the suitcase in the front seat if there is no place... |
Ini. / Mana koperku? Where's my suitcase? |
Ord, ambil kopernya. Ord, get the case. |
Salinan buku kode ini disediakan dalam Operasi Kantong Hitam di dalam koper atase Angkatan Laut Jepang pada tahun 1923; setelah tiga tahun bekerja Agnes Driscoll bisa memecah porsi tambahan dari setiap code. ^ Sterling, Christopher H. (2007). A copy of the code book was obtained in a "black bag" operation on the luggage of a Japanese naval attache in 1923; after three years of work Agnes Driscoll was able to break the additive portion of the code. |
4:6) Kita hendaknya memberikan tip, jika itu merupakan kebiasaan, kpd pelayan restoran dan pegawai hotel yg membawakan koper kita, membersihkan kamar kita, dan memberikan layanan lain. 4:6) We should give the customary tip to servers at restaurants and to hotel workers who carry our bags, clean our room, and provide other services. |
Oh, aku dikemas koper. I packed a suitcase. |
Sekali peristiwa, di Stasiun Yaroslavl di Moskwa, kunci salah satu koper patah, dan semua lektur berhamburan. One time, at Yaroslavl’ Station in Moscow, the lock on one of the suitcases broke, and all the literature fell out. |
“Di dalam cerita, kedua anak Suriah ini menyelundup melalui Laut Mediterania, dan pada saat itu koper mereka dicuri. “In this story of these two Syrian kids, the smugglers on the Mediterranean, they steal their luggage. |
Cooper kemudian membuka kopernya secara perlahan untuk memlihatkan delapan silinder berwarna merah ("empat ditumpuk empat") yang disambung pada kabel dilapisi dengan isolasi merah, dan baterai silinder besar. Cooper opened his briefcase long enough for her to glimpse eight red cylinders ("four on top of four") attached to wires coated with red insulation, and a large cylindrical battery. |
Di rumah, ia mengantarkan istrinya, Carla Jean (Kelly Macdonald), untuk tinggal dengan ibunya (Beth Grant), lalu pergi ke sebuah motel di Del Rio, di mana ia menyembunyikan koper itu di saluran pendingin kamarnya. At home, he sends his wife, Carla Jean, to stay with her mother, then drives to a motel in Del Rio, where he hides the case in his room's air conditioning duct. |
Dimana kopernya? Where's the case? |
Salah seorang dari mereka melihat-lihat koper saya dan mulai tanya-tanya dengan curiga. One of them spotted my luggage and began to question me suspiciously. |
/ Terakhir kali aku di sini koperku tergores. Last time, it got scuffed up. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.