What does komponis in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word komponis in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use komponis in Indonesian.

The word komponis in Indonesian means composer. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word komponis


noun (seseorang yang membuat musik, entah dengan notasi musik atau musik lisan)

Para komponis ternama telah menyertakan bunyi trompet Alpen dalam aransemen orkestra mereka.
Famous composers have included the sound of the alpenhorn in their orchestral scores.

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1974), penyanyi dan komponis Nino Katamadze (l.
1974), singer and composer Nino Katamadze (b.
Ombak yang memecah dalam gua itu mengilhami komponis Jerman, Felix Mendelssohn, untuk menggubah nada-nada pembukaan ”Hebrides”, juga dikenal sebagai ”Gua Fingal”, pada tahun 1832.
The breaking of the waves at the cave inspired the German composer Felix Mendelssohn to compose his “Hebrides” overture, also known as “Fingal’s Cave,” in 1832.
Ia lalu menjadi istri komponis Gustav Mahler yang tidak ingin Alma melanjutkan kiprahnya sebagai komponis.
She became the wife of composer Gustav Mahler, who did not approve of her continuing to compose music.
Ia adalah putri dari komponis Erwin Gutawa.
She is also the daughter of composer Erwin Gutawa.
Komponis Mozart mengatakan bahwa banyak dari gubahan musiknya diilhami oleh mimpi-mimpinya.
The composer Mozart said that many of the themes for his music came to him in dreams.
Komponis Joseph Haydn pernah bekerja untuk keluarga Esterházy selama hampir empat puluh tahun.
Its name goes back to the famous composer Joseph Haydn, who worked for nearly forty years in the service of the Esterházy family.
Pada saat yang sama ia meneruskan studi akademik sebagai komponis pada National Conservatory of Music, di Buenos Aires.
At the same time continuing his academic studies as a composer at the National Conservatory of Music, in Buenos Aires.
A composer.
Dengan menggunakan nama samaran Del Roma, Mauriat berhasil mencetak hit internasionalnya yang pertama dengan Chariot, yang ditulisnya bersama teman-temannya Franck Pourcel (ko-komponis), Jacques Plante (lirik bahasa Prancis) dan Raymond Lefevre (komposisi orkestra).
Using the pseudonym of Del Roma, Mauriat was to have his first international hit with Chariot, which he wrote in collaboration with friends Franck Pourcel (co-composer), Jacques Plante (French lyrics) and Raymond Lefèvre (orchestrator).
Acara tersebut menampilkan lagu pembuka dari Out of Africa karya komponis John Barry.
The montage featured an excerpt of the main title from Out of Africa by composer John Barry.
Kemudian, ia juga menyebut dirinya sebagai "phonometrician" (yang berarti "seseorang yang mengukur suara") karena Ia lebih senang dipanggil seperti ini dibandingkan panggilan "musisi", terutama setelah Ia dijuluki "teknis canggung tetapi halus" dalam sebuah buku tentang komponis Prancis kontemporer diterbitkan pada tahun 1911.
Later, he also referred to himself as a "phonometrician" (meaning "someone who measures sounds"), preferring this designation to that of "musician", after having been called "a clumsy but subtle technician" in a book on contemporary French composers published in 1911.
Benjamin Harold "Benh" Zeitlin (lahir 14 Oktober 1982; umur 36 tahun) adalah seorang pembuat film, komponis, dan animator asal Amerika yang dikenal karena menyutradarai film tahun 2012 Beasts of the Southern Wild.
Benjamin Harold "Benh" Zeitlin (born October 14, 1982) is an American filmmaker, composer, and animator best known for directing the 2012 film Beasts of the Southern Wild.
Komponis dari generasi berikutnya, seperti Orlando de Lassus menerima pengaruh dari musik madrigal asal Italia.
Later composers, such as Orlando de Lassus, were influenced by the Italian madrigal.
Kota ini mungkin terkenal karena menjadi tempat kelahiran komponis dan pemain organ Anton Bruckner.
The town is perhaps best known for being the birthplace of the composer and organist Anton Bruckner.
Selama Perang Dunia I, Ayah yang adalah musisi bermain bersama konduktor dan komponis, John Philip Sousa.
As a musician, my father had played with the bandleader and composer John Philip Sousa during World War I.
Carl Orff adalah seorang komponis ternama Jerman.
Carl Orff was a prominent German composer.
Sejumlah sultan Utsmaniyah adalah musisi dan komponis besar, seperti Selim III yang komposisinya masih dimainkan sampai sekarang.
A number of the Ottoman sultans were accomplished musicians and composers themselves, such as Selim III, whose compositions are often still performed today.
(Mazmur 69:30) Selain itu, sejak masa awal, komposisi yang diilhamkan Allah ini, yang digubah oleh Daud dan para komponis lainnya, telah digunakan untuk memuji Yehuwa.
(Psalm 69:30) Moreover, since early times, divinely inspired compositions of David and others have been used to praise Jehovah.
Pendketan ini dikembangkan oleh komponis Jerman, Carl Orff (1895–1982) dan koleganya Gunild Keetman pada tahun 1920-an.
It was developed by the German composer Carl Orff (1895–1982) and colleague Gunild Keetman during the 1920s.
Guru pertamanya adalah komponis asal Tirol, Josef Alois Ladurner.
His first teacher was the Tirolean composer, Josef Alois Ladurner.
Kota tersebut adalah tempat lahir dari komponis Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.
Palestrina is the birthplace of composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.
Ia menghabiskan tujuh tahun hidupnya sebagai kadet, lalu beralih ke musik, dan menjadi salah satu komponis paling menonjol di Prancis.
He spent seven years as a midshipman, turned to music as an adult, and became one of the most prominent French composers of the interwar period.
Dihimpun oleh komponisnya sendiri, libretto tersebut berdasarkan pada bagian-bagian tertentu dalamnovel bait karya Alexander Pushkin Catatan ]: Skor gratis di International Music Score Library Project Libretto Russian libretto in HTML Russian libretto in zip file for Word German translation of libretto Tchaikovsky Research Upcoming performances at major halls Media yang berhubungan dengan Eugen Onegin di Wikimedia Commons.
Lensky's Aria listing Eugene Onegin: Scores at the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) Libretto Russian libretto in HTML Russian libretto in zip file for Word German translation of libretto Tchaikovsky Research Upcoming performances at major halls Media related to Eugen Onegin at Wikimedia Commons
Kardinal Boromeus juga mengungkapkan bahwa apabila Don Nicola, seorang komponis dengan gaya yang lebih kromatis, berada di Milan maka ia juga dapat menyusun suatu komposisi misa dan keduanya dapat disebandingkan dalam hal kejelasan tekstual.
Borromeo also suggested that if Don Nicola, a composer of a more chromatic style, was in Milan he too could compose a mass and the two be compared for textural clarity.
Ia menerima jabatan itu dengan segan, karena menurutnya seorang komponis tidak selayaknya menjadi kepala sekolah musik.
He had accepted the post reluctantly, feeling that a composer should not head a school of music.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.