What does kode pos in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kode pos in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kode pos in Indonesian.

The word kode pos in Indonesian means postal code, postcode, zip, zip code. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word kode pos

postal code

noun (An alphanumeric code assigned to all addresses in order to facilitate mail delivery.)


verb noun

misalnya, dari kode pos
you can take, from a postcode


interjection verb noun

Aku tak tahu kode pos ku atau siapa orang tuaku.
I don't know my own zip code or who my parents are.

zip code


Aku tak tahu kode pos ku atau siapa orang tuaku.
I don't know my own zip code or who my parents are.

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Anda kemudian mengedit setelan laporan, dan memasukkan kode pos 10011.
You then edit the report settings, and enter a ZIP code of 10011.
Kode Pos Pembeli
Postcode of Buyer
Kode pos bisnis.
The postcode of the business.
Pengguna Google Survei 360 dapat memperoleh audiens yang lebih terperinci dengan penargetan kode pos.
Google Surveys 360 users can get even more granular audiences with postal-code targeting.
Klik Masukkan teks untuk memasukkan daftar kode pos.
Click Enter text to enter a list of postal codes.
Misalnya, untuk mengirimkan negara, kode pos, dan harga:
For example, to submit country, postcode and price:
....... untuk menemukan satu kode pos?
To hunt down one zip code on a postmark?
Ini dibuktikan dengan kode pos Dogana (47891), sementara keseluruhan Serravalle 47899.
Partial autonomy is reflected in Dogana's having its own postal code (47891), while the rest of Serravalle carries the designation 47899.
Untuk setiap negara, satu atau beberapa format kode pos didukung.
For each country, one or more postal code formats are supported.
Kode pos di suratnya, London, Soho.
The envelope was postmarked London, Soho.
Kode pos, jumlah gedung, alamat.
Zip code, building number, street.
Pastikan kode pos cocok dengan alamat saat ini.
Check the zip code matches your current address.
Misalnya, apakah termostat Anda terletak di rumah atau lokasi bisnis, dan berapa kode pos lokasi tersebut?
For example, is your thermostat located in a home or a business, and what’s the ZIP code of the building?
Untuk istilah spesifik yang digunakan untuk kode pos di berbagai negara/wilayah, lihat tabel di bawah.
For the specific terms used for postcodes in different countries/regions, refer to the table below.
Distrik ini dimulai di pinggir selatan pusat kota Leeds dan terutama terletak pada kode pos LS11.
It begins on the southern edge of Leeds city centre and mainly lies in the LS11 postcode district.
Australia Post menyediakan layanan surat dengan kode pos 6799.
Australia Post provides mail services with the postcode 6799.
Aku tak tahu kode pos ku atau siapa orang tuaku.
I don't know my own zip code or who my parents are.
Dan dalam empat bulan, kami sudah ada di keseluruhan 295 kode pos di Amerika.
And in four months, we were in all 295 area codes in America.
Tapi aku tidak harus memiliki kode pos yang sama dengan kalian.
But I shouldn't be seen in the same zip code as you guys.
Kode pos wilayah ini adalah 601.
The postal code of the area is 601.
Bank mengirimi saya cek dengan kode pos yang salah.
The bank sent me a check with the wrong zip code.
Jumlah arondisemen ditandai dengan dua digit terakhir kode pos Paris (75001 hingga 75020).
The number of the arrondissement is indicated by the last two digits in most Parisian postal codes (75001 up to 75020).
Artikel wilayah kode pos berisi informasi lengkap tentang setiap distrik.
The postcode area articles give the full coverage of each district.
Sejak kapan punani memiliki kode pos?
Since when does punani have a zip code?
Ada kode pos?
Is there a zip code?

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of kode pos in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.