What does kiri ke kanan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kiri ke kanan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kiri ke kanan in Indonesian.

The word kiri ke kanan in Indonesian means left-to-right. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kiri ke kanan


(Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, and languages for which text is displayed in a left-to-right direction. English and most other European languages are left-to-right languages.)

Ini adalah sistem suku kata yang dibaca dari kiri ke kanan.
It's a syllabary and reads from left to right.

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Kuku dipalu di pada sudut kiri-ke-kanan.
Nails were hammered in at a left-to-right angle.
Mendadak, trailer bergoyang ke kiri ke kanan; truk mulai melenceng dari jalanan.
Suddenly, the trailer sways from side to side; it has started to drift off the road.
Seppuku melintasi perut, kiri ke kanan.
Seppuku across the stomach, left to right.
Mimpi tersebut disertai gerakan cepat dari mata, dari kiri ke kanan dan sebaliknya.
These dreams are accompanied by rapid movements of the eyes from side to side.
Saudara Rutherford tidak menyangka betapa banyaknya kumpulan besar (Dari kiri ke kanan: Nathan H.
Brother Rutherford could not foresee how numerous the great crowd would become (From left to right: Nathan H.
Berdiri, kiri ke kanan: Gordon B.
Standing left to right: Gordon B.
Dari kiri ke kanan: ayah dan adik saya, John, di pangkuannya, Esther, saya, dan ibu saya
From left to right: my father with my brother, John, on his lap, Esther, me, and my mother
Kanan ke kiri, atau kiri ke kanan.
Right-left or left-right.
Dari kiri ke kanan: Ternak merumput di hutan dengan lahan terbuka, seekor ”genet”, dan seekor kijang merah
From left to right: Cattle grazing on the open woodland, a genet, and a red deer
Kiri ke kanan?
Left to right?
Semua menampilkan (dari kiri ke kanan):
All display (from left to right):
Dari kiri ke kanan.
Top to bottom, left to right.
Braille dibaca dari kiri ke kanan, dengan satu atau dua tangan.
Braille is read from left to right, using one or both hands.
Dari kiri ke kanan: (duduk) A.
From left to right: (seated) A.
Separuh bagian atas,dari kiri ke kanan, melambangkan negara bagian: New South Wales, Victoria, dan Queensland.
In the top half, from left to right, the states represented are: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.
□ Skoliosis, tulang belakang yang bengkok, bisa menyebabkan si anak miring ke kiri, ke kanan, atau ke depan.
□ Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, may cause the child to lean to either side or toward the front.
Kiri ke kanan.
Left is right.
Arah baca dan penulisan aksara osmanya adalah dari kiri ke kanan.
The direction of reading and writing in Osmanya is from left to right.
Bersama kakak-adik saya (dari kiri ke kanan) Ann, Mary, Fred, Doris, John, saya, Bill, dan Emily
With my siblings (from left to right) Ann, Mary, Fred, Doris, John, me, Bill, and Emily
Dia dan Mary Hales (tengah) bergabung (kiri ke kanan) dengan arsitek Emil Fetzer, Elisa Wirthlin, Penatua Joseph B.
He and Mary Hales (center) join (left to right) architect Emil Fetzer, Elisa Wirthlin, Elder Joseph B.
Dari kiri ke kanan.
Left to right.
Dari kiri ke kanan: Saya, Esther Lopez, dan kakak ipar saya, Jean
From left to right: Me, Esther Lopez, and my sister-in-law, Jean
Keluarga saya pada tahun 1996: (kiri ke kanan, belakang) Gregory, Christos, Toula; (depan) Lakes, Ekaterini, dan saya
My family in 1996: (left to right, back) Gregory, Christos, Toula; (front) Lakes, Ekaterini, and me
Reuben Clark Jr. (kiri ke kanan) dari Presidensi Utama mengunjungi Alun-Alun Kesejahteraan pada 1940.
Reuben Clark Jr. (left to right) of the First Presidency visit Welfare Square in 1940.
Teks kemudian dibaca dengan menggulung lembar tipis tersebut dari kiri ke kanan.
The text is then read by scrolling the lontar strip from left to right.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of kiri ke kanan in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.