What does keset in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word keset in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use keset in Indonesian.
The word keset in Indonesian means mat, doormat, door-mat, mat. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word keset
matnoun Dia sedang mandi dan kuncinya di bawah keset. She's getting in the shower and the keys are under the mat. |
doormatnoun Atau bagaimana keset bagus jadi aku bisa menyeka kaki saya setiap hari? Or what about a nice doormat so I can wipe my feet on it every day? |
door-matnoun |
matverb noun adjective (protective or cushioning floor covering) Nah, Tahukan anda Keset Selamat Datang besar yang mungkin anda lihat pada seorang gadis di 70-an? Well, you know those big welcome mats you might see on a girl in the'70s? |
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Aku sangat ragu kalau kuncinya ada dibawah keset, tapi kau menjatuhkan dirimu sendiri. I highly doubt they're under the welcome that, but... you knock yourself out. |
Roberts juga menyarankan, ”Taruhlah keset yang tebal di tiap pintu masuk rumah dan kesatlah kaki Anda dua kali sebelum masuk.” Roberts also advises: “Put a high-quality doormat at each of the entrances to your home and wipe your feet twice before entering.” |
Nah, Tahukan anda Keset Selamat Datang besar yang mungkin anda lihat pada seorang gadis di 70-an? Well, you know those big welcome mats you might see on a girl in the'70s? |
Tuan Dufayel, aku temukan ini di bawah keset anda. Mr. Dufayel, I found this under your mat. |
Ganzfried mengatur bahwa suatu gulungan Kitab Ester dengan bagian-bagian terbuka adalah invalid, tetapi menambahkan bahwa "sejumlah otoritas memvalidasinya" (Keset HaSofer 28:5). Ganzfried ruled that a scroll of Esther with open portions is invalid, but added that "some authorities validate it" (Keset HaSofer 28:5). |
Sebuah karir yang menguntungkan sebagai keset? A lucrative career as a doormat? |
Atau bagaimana keset bagus jadi aku bisa menyeka kaki saya setiap hari? Or what about a nice doormat so I can wipe my feet on it every day? |
Kamu sudah siap dengan keset pintu? Or the doormat you already are? |
Pada saat dia melangkah melewati keset yang mengatakan SELAMAT DATANG DI COSTCO, mendadak dia dipenuhi bulu-bulu emas. The minute she stepped over the mat that said WELCOME TO COSTCO, she was suddenly covered in golden feathers. |
Jika anda menyeka sisa-sisa sampah tadi di dekat kaki anda, anda akan menemukan suatu keset seperti spons yang berserat putih, suatu jaringan akar dan cendawan. If you were to brush away the debris at your feet, you would find a thick, spongy mat of white fibers, a network of roots and fungi. |
Untuk berpikir bahwa melayani keset? To think that serves a doormat? |
/ Kuncinya tak ada di bawah keset. They aren't under the mat. |
Sabut adalah serat alami yang diekstrak dari cangkang bagian dalam dan lapisan luar kelapa yang keras, biasa digunakan dalam produksi barang-barang contohnya tikar, keset kaki, sapu, matras, tali tambang, dan karpet tenun Coir is a natural fibre extracted from the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut and used in products such as floor mats, doormats, brushes, mattresses, twist rope, and weave carpets. |
Misalnya, serat yang disadap dari daunnya digunakan untuk membuat keset, sabuk, dan ransel. For instance, the fibers extracted from the leaves are used to make mats, belts, and knapsacks. |
Melakukan hubungan seks pranikah seperti menjadikan lukisan yang indah sebagai keset Engaging in premarital sex is like taking a beautiful painting and using it as a doormat |
Keset, taplak meja, serbet, dan tatakan, yang polos maupun berwarna-warni, serta barang-barang rumah tangga lainnya dipamerkan. Multicolored and white place mats, tablecloths, doilies, coasters, and other household items were on display. |
Ada keset untuk tempatmu mendarat. There's a mat to catch you. |
keset kecil? The little rug? |
Sebelum masuk ruangan, kita harus berkeset agar tidak mengotori lantai atau karpet. Before entering, we should carefully wipe our shoes in order to avoid soiling floors or carpets. |
Tidak tepat, sebuah Keset selamat datang ( welcome ). Not exactly a welcome mat. |
Kesetnya berkata " Selamat Datang " The mat said " Welcome. " |
Aku baru-baru ini sudah membalik kesetku. I recently have rolled up my welcome mat. |
9 Sewaktu memasuki gedung apartemen, bersihkan sepatu Sdr di keset dan tutup kembali pintunya dng baik. 9 When entering an apartment building, wipe your shoes and close the door securely behind you. |
Bagaimana perasaanmu jika kamu melihat sahabatmu menggunakan pakaian tersebut untuk kain lap atau keset? How would you feel if you saw your friend using that garment as a rag or a doormat? |
♪ Buang tulang di keset tempat tidur ♪ Leave the bones on the bedroom mat |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.