What does kelenteng in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kelenteng in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kelenteng in Indonesian.

The word kelenteng in Indonesian means ring, pagoda, ringing. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kelenteng







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39 Misalnya, di bawah kepala berita ”Upacara Keagamaan Cina Jarang Ada di Beijing tetapi Berkembang di Daerah Pesisir”, surat kabar Kanada Globe and Mail pada tahun 1987 melaporkan bahwa setelah hampir 40 tahun pemerintahan ateis di Cina, upacara penguburan, kebaktian di kelenteng, dan banyak praktek takhayul masih umum di daerah-daerah pedesaan.
39 For example, under the headline “Chinese Religious Rites Rare in Beijing but Flourishing in the Coastal Regions,” the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail reported in 1987 that after nearly 40 years of atheistic rule in China, funeral rites, temple services, and many superstitious practices are still common in rural areas.
Pada 2007, sebuah serial dokumenter berjudul My Roots menampilkan kelenteng tersebut dalam episode "Grand March with the Deities".
In 2007, a documentary series called My Roots featured the temple in the episode "Grand March with the Deities".
Kantor-kantor Borneo Company di Kuching berada di dekat Kelenteng Tua Pek Kong yang sekarang dijadikan Hilton hotel.
The Borneo Company offices in Kuching were on the spot near the Tua Pek Kong temple now occupied by the Hilton hotel.
Kelenteng ini mulai dikelola secara organisatoris sejak tahun 1935 melalui suatu organisasi perkumpulan Sam Khauw Hwee yang didirikan atas usaha dan inisiatif dua orang tokoh yakni Yo Sio Sien dan Que Boen Tjen.
The Ban Hin Kiong temple has been organizationally managed since 1935 through an organization Sam Khauw Hwee association founded on the efforts and initiative of two figures: Yo Sio Sien and Que Boen Tjen.
Tidak soal menganut Buddhisme, Taoisme, atau Konfusianisme, orang Tionghoa pada umumnya, (dari kiri) menghormati leluhur di rumah, memuja dewa kekayaan, dan memberikan persembahan di kelenteng pada hari-hari raya
Whether Buddhist, Taoist, or Confucian, the typical Chinese, from left, pays homage to ancestors at home, worships the god of wealth, and offers sacrifices at temples on festive days
Dalam kelenteng
Inside the temple.
Balap tersebut adalah sebuah acara olahraga sekaligus pariwisata tahunan, dan berbagi kegiatan sosial dimana para pesepeda melakukan balap di sepanjang rute yang melewati tempat-tempat wisata di Jawa Tengah seperti Kelenteng Sam Poo Kong di Semarang, Gua Kreo, Gunung Merapi, dan Danau Rawa Pening.
It is an annual sport-cum-tourist event, and sharing social activities in which cyclists ride along a route that passes by tourist spots in Central Java such as Sam Poo Kong Temple in Semarang, Kreo Cave, Mount Merapi, and Lake Rawa Pening.
Atas inisiatif Nyong Loho (Soei Swie Goan) yang kemudian menjabat rangkap sebagai ketua pembangunan dan ketua kelenteng Ban Hin Kiong, mulailah pembangunan renovasi kelenteng.
On the initiative of Nyong Loho (Soei Swie Goan) who later served as chairman duplicate development and chief Ban Hin Kiong temple, renovation construction began.
Kelenteng Hoo Ann Kiong beberapa kali dipugarkan, yaitu pada tahun 1903,1940,dan pada tahun 1948.
Hoo Ann Kiong temple was rescontructed several times, namely in the years 1903, 1940, and in 1948.
Terakhir Kelenteng ini dipugar total kecuali bagian depan pintu gerbang utama pada tahun 2005 dan selesainya pada tahun 2008.
Recently restored, the temple is total except the front of the main gate in 2005 and completion in 2008.
Kelenteng tersebut dibangun pada 1875 dan direnovasi oleh Persekutuan Tiong Hua Johor Bahru pada 1994–95 dengan tambahan sebuah museum kecil berbentuk L di salah satu sudut lapangan.
It was built in 1875 and renovated by the Persekutuan Tiong Hua Johor Bahru (Johor Bahru Tiong Hua Association) in 1994–95 with the addition of a small L-shaped museum in one corner of the square premises.
Apakah lebih penting daripada menyerahkan promosi Anda ke kelenteng?
Is it more important than handing over your promotion to Tang?
Nama Tay Kak Sie tertulis pada papan nama besar di pintu masuk Kelenteng, dengan catatan tahun pemerintahan Kaisar Dao Guang (Too Kong dalam bahasa Hokkian) 1821 - 1850 dari Dinasti Qing adalah nama yang berarti "Kuil Kesadaran Agung".
Tay Kak Sie name written on the signboard at the entrance of a large temple, with the record year of the reign of Emperor Dao Guang (Too Kong in Hokkien language) 1821-1850 of the Qing Dynasty is a name that means "Temple of Supreme Consciousness".
Setiap orang memuja dewa-dewi yang disukainya di kelenteng setempat, memohonkan perlindungan terhadap yang jahat dan bantuan untuk mengumpulkan kekayaan di bumi.
Each person simply worshiped his favorite gods and goddesses at the local temples, petitioning them for protection against evil and for help in attaining earthly fortune.
Kelenteng dan biara untuk laki-laki serta perempuan dibangun, dan golongan biksu serta biksuni dibentuk, serupa dengan yang ada dalam Buddhisme.
Temples, monasteries, and nunneries were built, and orders of monks and nuns were established, more or less in the Buddhist fashion.
Sejarawan memprediksi kelenteng ini berumur lebih dari 150 tahun setelah dilihat dari relief arsitektur bangunannya.
Historians estimate this temple is more than 150 years old as seen from its relief architecture.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.