What does Jawa Timur in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word Jawa Timur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use Jawa Timur in Indonesian.

The word Jawa Timur in Indonesian means jawa timur. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word Jawa Timur

jawa timur


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Teterisa dihukum 15 tahun penjara dan dibuang ke penjara Malang, Jawa Timur.
Teterisa was sentenced to 15 years and is in the Malang prison in eastern Java.
Khususnya di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur, dimana apa yang disebut Abangan atau Muslim Jawa 'non-ortodoks' dominan.
Particularly in central and eastern Java, Abangan or 'nominal' Muslims are predominant.
Sorga Palsoe ditayangkan di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, pada akhir Februari 1941 dan di Medan, Sumatera Utara, pada April.
Sorga Palsoe was screened in Surabaya, East Java, by late February 1941 and in Medan, North Sumatra, by April.
3 Lamongan Jawa Timur.
Dugaan penampakan lain terjadi di Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur, pada bulan Januari 2009.
Another alleged sighting occurred in Magetan Regency, East Java, in January 2009.
Keluarganya memainkan peran penting dalam konsolidasi kekuasaan Belanda, serta kemudian administrasi pemerintahan dan pembangunan ekonomi, di Jawa Timur.
His family played an important role in the consolidation of Dutch rule, as well as the subsequent administration and economic development, of East Java.
Belanda kemudian menjadikan daerah yang dikuasainya sebagai negara baru, misalnya negara Madura dan negara Jawa Timur.
The Netherlands then turned the areas under its control into new states, such as the State of Madura and the State of East Java.
Via Vallen adalah artis cantik sekaligus penyanyi dangdut asal Jawa Timur yang sudah dikenal sebagai artis nasional.
Via Vallen is a dangdut singer from East Java who has been known as a national artist.
Madura adalah pulau terbesar di Jawa Timur, dipisahkan dengan daratan Jawa oleh Selat Madura.
Madura is the largest island in East Java, separated from the mainland Java by the Strait of Madura.
Jawa Timur berubah status dari provinsi menjadi negara bagian.
East Java changed its status from a province into a state.
Ia menjadi salah satu pendiri dari gereja-gereja di Jawa Timur.
He became one of the founders of the churches in East Java.
Pada 6 Maret, kepolisian Jawa Timur menanyai Tajul seputar kemungkinan tuduhan penistaan agama.
On 6 March, the East Java police questioned Tajul about the potential blasphemy charges.
Sukadji lahir pada tanggal 9 November 1931 di Blitar, Jawa Timur di Hindia Belanda (sekarang Indonesia).
Sukadji was born on November 9, 1931 in Blitar, East Java in what was, at the time, the Dutch East Indies (present day Indonesia).
Dibandingkan dengan wilayah Pulau Jawa bagian barat, Jawa Timur pada umumnya memiliki curah hujan yang lebih sedikit.
Compared with the western part of Java Island, East Java in general has less rainfall.
Di awal berdirinya Laga FC berisikan mayoritas pemain - pemain Pra PON kontingen Jawa Timur.
At the beginning of the Laga FC containing the majority of players - players East Java Pra PON contingent.
WSP kini sedang menjalakan proyek tersebut di Jawa Timur, Barat, dan Tengah, serta Bali dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.
WSP is implementing the project in the provinces of East, Central and West Java, as well as Bali and Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Mereka bertemu dengan tentara pemberontak di Gegodog, timur Tuban di pantai utara dari Jawa timur.
It met the rebel army in Gegodog, east of Tuban on the north coast of eastern Java.
Blitar, yang waktu itu masih dipergunakan sebagai tempat pemerintahan provinsi Jawa Timur diserang.
Blitar, which the seat of the East Java provincial government was attacked by the Dutch.
Kadipaten Surabaya berpusat kira-kira di kota Surabaya sekarang, di pantai utara Jawa Timur.
The Duchy of Surabaya was centered roughly in today's city of Surabaya in the northern coast of eastern Java.
Sebagai kota metropolitan, Surabaya menjadi pusat kegiatan ekonomi, keuangan, dan bisnis di daerah Jawa Timur dan sekitarnya.
As the provincial capital, Surabaya has a number of offices and business centres; as a metropolitan city, it became the centre of economic, financial, and business activities in East Java and beyond.
Saat konser di Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, 30 Maret 2006, puluhan wanita pingsan.
During a concert in Mojokerto, East Java, on March 30, 2006, dozens of female fans fainted.
RM Suryo, Gubernur Jawa Timur pada masa itu, beberapa petugas kepolisian, dan pemimpin relijius gugur di tangan pemberontak.
RM Suryo, the governor of East Java, as well as several police officers and religious leaders, were killed by the rebels.
Dan Rita menjawab, “Saya rasa terjadi di seluruh Jawa Timur.”
and Rita replied, I think it happened all over East Java.""
Basuki datang ke Jakarta untuk melaporkan kepada Yani pada keprihatinan tentang meningkatnya aktivitas komunis di Jawa Timur.
Basuki had come to Jakarta to report to Yani on his concerns about increasing communist activity in East Java.
Di Asrama Haji Donohudan Boyolali, Jawa Timur.
At Asrama Haji Donohudan Boyoali, Java Timur.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.