What does ingus in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word ingus in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ingus in Indonesian.

The word ingus in Indonesian means snot, mucus, slime, mucus. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word ingus


noun (mucus)

Dengan baju Minggu miliknya yang berlumur ingus dan lumpur.
In her Sunday dress, all covered in snot and mud.






noun (slippery secretion produced by, and covering, mucous membranes)

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Ingatlah bahwa dirimu adalah seonggok ingus unta.
Just remember that you're a shovelful of sun-laden camel snot.
Setiap hidung ingusan, tersandung, jerawat di pipi menjadi tanggung jawabku.
Every runny nose, stubbed toe, pimple on a cheek becomes my responsibility.
Tulang goreng dan ingus berdarah
Refried bones and booger blood
Namanya sakit ingus.
It's called farcy.
Menyingkir darinya, dasar ingus besar!
Get off of him, you overgrown snotball!
Namun, bagi para penderita alergi, serbuk sari memicu tanda bahaya palsu, yang membuat hidung iritasi dan beringus, jaringan membengkak, dan mata berair.
For allergy sufferers, however, pollen triggers a false alarm, which translates into irritated, dripping nostrils, swollen tissue, and watery eyes.
Untuk si ingus.
To Snot Trough.
Ini adalah ingus.
It's snot.
Aku akan jilat kata-kataku sendiri sekali ini saja dan mengizinkanmu kembali ke sekolahku karna kau masih ingusan, dan kau tak tahu apa-apa.
I'll go back on my own word just this once and let you back into my school,'cause you're still a baby, and you don't know shit.
Mengapa wanita jalang itu harus terus menyenter ke hidungnya yang ingusan?
Why does that bitch gotta keep shining that light up her dripping nose?
Aru Shah baru saja mengelap ingusnya pakai lengan baju!”
Aru Shah just used her sleeve to wipe her nose!”
Kedengarannya ingusmu sangat istimewa.
That sounds like some very special snot.
Terkutuk sekali bila ada bocah ingusan yang akan menghalangi jalanku.
I'll be damned if some snot-nosed kid is gonna stand in my way.
MATA Anda gatal dan berair, Anda bersin sepanjang hari, hidung Anda terus beringus, dan Anda sulit bernapas.
YOUR eyes are itching and watering, you sneeze all day, your nose keeps dripping, and you have difficulty breathing.
Dengan baju Minggu miliknya yang berlumur ingus dan lumpur.
In her Sunday dress, all covered in snot and mud.
Aku bermimpi ingusku jadi roket, lalu terbang ke ruang angkasa dan menjatuhkan bitang-bintang agar ada tempat untuk roket lain!
One time, I dreamed that my snot was a rocket, and it shot into space and knocked down the stars to make room for more rockets!
Kau membebaskan Cheerios-ku... dan aku akan mengembalikan anak-anak pecundang dan ingusanmu itu.
You pass my Cheerios... and I'll give you back your team of losers and snot faucets.
Ya, kau masih ingusan.
Yeah, you're a rookie.
Dasar anak ingusan.
Fuck you!
Bahkan belum genap 17 tahun, " Anak Ingusan ".
Not even 17, " Paddy Boy ".
Bagi mereka elo cuma anak ingusan.
In their eyes you're still a rookie for fuck's sake.
Saya telah bekerja pada kesepakatan ini terlalu lama untuk memilikinya hancur oleh beberapa ingusan punk.
I've worked on this deal too long to have it ruined by some snot-nosed punk.
Jadi, Aru merasakan sensasi gatal yang tidak enak dari hidungnya yang beringus ... dan dia tidak punya pilihan lain ....
So Aru had been left with that horrible, tickly feeling of a drippy nose, and she’d had no other choice....
Ingusnya berhenti mengalir, tapi untuk sesaat ia berdiri tak bergerak, tak tahu apa yang harus ia perbuat selanjutnya.
His nose stopped running, but he stood there motionless for a moment, not knowing what to do next.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of ingus in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.