What does ikut campur in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word ikut campur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ikut campur in Indonesian.
The word ikut campur in Indonesian means intervene, interfere, meddle, step in. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word ikut campur
interveneverb Masalah mengenai keuangan kerajaan, tak ada yang boleh ikut campur. Matters regarding the Royal funds, not anyone is allowed to intervene. |
interfereverb Kami tidak mengundang kalian kemari untuk ikut campur. We did not invite you here to interfere. |
meddleverb Dia tidak membutuhkan bantuan dari empat gadis ikut campur. He doesn't need help from four meddling girls. |
step inverb Jelas, ada yang harus ikut campur sebelum putraku membuat kesalahan lagi. Clearly, someone has to step in before my son makes another mistake. |
See more examples
Kau jangan ikut campur. You don't interfere. |
Dia tak mau ikut campur soal dewan. He wants nothing to do with the council. |
Aku ini ingin tahu, sok ikut campur. I'm inquisitive, nosy. |
Tidak ada penduduk desa yang boleh ikut campur. No need for the villagers to poke their nose in between. |
Ukraina menuduh Rusia ikut campur dalam urusan internal Ukraina, sementara pihak Rusia menyangkal tuduhan tersebut. Ukraine accused Russia of intervening in Ukraine's internal affairs, while the Russian side officially denied such claims. |
Jangan ikut campur. Stay out of this. |
Kami tak ikut campur. We won't be part of it. |
Masalah mengenai keuangan kerajaan, tak ada yang boleh ikut campur. Matters regarding the Royal funds, not anyone is allowed to intervene. |
Mindy, kenapa kau ikut campur! Mindy, will you butt out. |
Kemudian ia ikut campur di dalam militer untuk menangani pertikaian suksesi di dalam negara Lu, Wey dan Qi. Later he intervened militarily in succession struggles in the states of Lu, Wey and Qi. |
Jangan ikut campur, " Kek ". Old man... this is not your concern. |
9 Seorang duta dan stafnya tidak ikut campur dalam urusan negara tempat mereka ditugasi. 9 An ambassador and his staff do not meddle in the affairs of the country where they serve. |
Mereka tak ikut campur kali ini, percayalah. They'll stay out of my way this time, trust me. |
Selama kalian tidak punya bukti bahwa dia merubah isi slushie-nya... polisi tidak akan mau ikut campur. Well, unless you have proof that he tampered with the slushee the police aren't interested in getting involved. |
Tentu saja tidak, karena hamba-hamba Allah di bumi tidak akan ikut campur dalam konflik ini. By no means, for God’s servants on earth will not take part in this conflict. |
Timmu ikut campur. Your team is in play. |
Dia tak tahu lingkungan di sini. / Bu, tolong jangan ikut campur. She didn't know them, they knew from the neighborhood. |
Dan aku tidak memerlukanmu untuk ikut campur, sehingga kau harus pergi. And I don't need you stirring the pot, so you're going to leave. |
Itu bukan hanya tempat di mana kita ikut campur tangan. It's not the only place we had any interventions. |
Kau terlalu ikut campur. You're way out of depth. |
Kami tidak mengundang kalian kemari untuk ikut campur. We did not invite you here to interfere. |
Jika kau terus ikut campur, kau bisa terluka. If you don't stay out of it, you're going to wind up getting hurt. |
Mungkin aku salah ikut campur seperti itu... tapi kenapa aku tak boleh menyelamatkan perusahaanmu? Maybe it was wrong of me to interfere like that, but why don't you let me save your company? |
Kau ikut campur sesuatu yang tidak kau ketahui. You're interfering with something you know nothing about. |
Jika kau ikut campur, kau akan dipanggil ke depan hakim untuk disidang. If you interfere, you'll have to appear before the judge and show cause. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.