What does hari libur in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word hari libur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use hari libur in Indonesian.

The word hari libur in Indonesian means day off, holiday, day of rest, vacation. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word hari libur

day off


Bisakah aku mendapatkan hari libur?
Can you get a day off?



Pada hari libur lalu-lintas merayap sepanjang jalan raya.
The holiday traffic crawled along the highway.

day of rest



verb noun (holiday, usually involving travel)

Baik, kita harus mengkaji Jumlah hari libur kalian.
All right, we need to revisit the number of vacation days you guys get.

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Kami merayakan hari libur dengan hidangan tradisional sebelum perayaan Día de los Muertos dimulai malam ini.
We're celebrating the holiday with a traditional meal before the Día de los Muertos festivities begin tonight.
Ada hari libur untuk Avatar.
There's a holiday for the Avatar.
Dalam satu hari libur saja, 12.000 pengunjung tiba, dengan 300 bus dan puluhan mobil.
On just one holiday, 12,000 visitors came, in 300 buses and dozens of cars.
Timmu santai mengerjakan tugasnya karena ini hari libur?
Your team take it easy because it's a holiday?
Itu akan menjadi setengah hari liburan..
It will be a half day holiday..
Aku tidak mengeluh pasti senang punya hari libur.
Well, you don't hear me complaining. I'm fine having a day off.
Hari pertama bulan Mei adalah hari libur.
The first of May is a holiday.
Dan kupikir kau menghabiskan semua hari liburanmu di Liga Para Pembunuh.
And here I thought that you used up all of your League of Assassin vacation days.
Banyak yang menyarankan hari-hari libur itu digabung, sehingga warga dapat memiliki hari libur untuk memilih.
Many have called for the holidays to be merged, so citizens can have a day off to vote.
Ini hari libur.
It's a holiday.
Sekarang hari libur.
It's a holiday.
Mereka selalu memilih hari-hari liburan terbaik.
They always choose the best vacation days.
Aku tidak tahu kau mengambil hari libur.
I didn't know you took days off.
Dia bahkan datang pada hari-hari libur.”
She even comes on holidays.”
Bukan hari libur.
It's not a day off.
Hari libur di Pakistan dirayakan menurut kalender Islam atau Gregorian masing-masing untuk keperluan agama dan sipil.
The holidays are celebrated according to Bengali, Islamic or Gregorian calendars for religious and civil purposes, respectively.
Hari libur ini diproklamirkan oleh Letnan Gubernur Helen Hunley, pada saat memberikan nasihat Don Getty.
The holiday was proclaimed by Lieutenant Governor Helen Hunley, on the advice of her premier, Don Getty.
Hari-hari libur nasional Indonesia untuk tahun 2003: Abad ke-21
Challenges of the twenty-first century: Conference 1991.
Ini akan menjadi hari libur besar.
It will be a great holiday.
Meskipun hari tersebut bukanlah sebuah hari libur bank, Orang Barbados merayakannya setiap tahun untuk menghormati Rihanna.
Although it is not a bank holiday, Barbadians celebrate it every year in honor of Rihanna.
Gadis impianku ingin membunuhku pada hari liburku?
The girl of my dreams wanna kill me on my day off?
Ini merupakan hari libur, setelah beberapa hari.
This is the most entertained I've been in days.
Kamis-Selasa, dia dengan Taliban, dan pada hari libur, mereka berdua menjual narkotik.
Tuesdays-Thursdays, he's with the Talis, and on days off, they're both running narcotics.
Kau tahu, l'belum pernah berada di hari libur.
You know, I've never been on a holiday.
Untuk membuat keadaan menjadi lebih buruk, Songkran ini adalah 7 hari libur.
" To make matters worse, this Songkran is a 7 day holiday. "

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of hari libur in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.