What does golongan darah in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word golongan darah in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use golongan darah in Indonesian.

The word golongan darah in Indonesian means blood type, blood group, blood type. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word golongan darah

blood type

noun (A classification of human blood according to substances on the surface of the erythrocytes (red blood cells). The two main blood group systems are AB0 and rhesus factor (Rh). (Source: Wikipedia)

Walaupun tidak penting, aku membawakan sesuai golongan darahmu.
For whatever it's worth, I got your blood type.

blood group


Vikram dan Karan memiliki golongan darah yang sama.
Vikram and Karan had the same blood group.

blood type

noun (classification of blood)

Golongan darah Amy tidak cocok, tapi nampaknya cocok dengan Jeff.
Amy's blood type doesn't match, but look at Jeff's.

See more examples

Mungkin golongan darahnya O.
Maybe it's type O.
Idiot Fuckin '! golongan darah Bae Jay adalah AB
Fuckin ' idiot!Jay Bae' s blood type is AB
Kalau saja golongan darahnya berbeda denganmu..
If he hadn't shared your blood type...
Gambar di bawah, diciptakan oleh kartunis Park Dong Sun, menunjukkan bagaimana perilaku tiap golongan darah dalam situasi tertentu.
The images below, created by cartoonist Park Dong Sun, exhibit how each blood type behaves in a certain situation.
Golongan darah Liv O negatif.
Liv is O-negative.
Golongan darahku... sangat langka.
My blood type " - is the rare Bombay phenotype.
Golongan darah A.
Blood type A
Golongan darah Jason adalah AB negatif.
Jason's blood type is AB negative.
Kau tahu jenis golongan darahku?
You know my blood type?
Tetapi, saya mengenal orang-orang yang sering berbicara tentang golongan darah dan menilai orang lain berdasarkan hal itu.
But I know people who often talked about blood type and judged others based on it.
Golongan darahnya O.
His sample is from blood group O.
Golongan darah Bombay.
Bombay blood group.
Golongan darah Heo Ik Ran adalah...
First happiness's blood type is
Apakah ada bukti bahwa golongan darah kita memang menentukan kepribadian kita?
Is there any proof that our blood type really determines our personality?
Mereka hanya tahu si pembunuh bergolongan darah O yang sama dengan Kenny.
They only knew that the murderer was type O and so is Kenny.
Walaupun tidak penting, aku membawakan sesuai golongan darahmu.
For whatever it's worth, I got your blood type.
Golongan darah Bombay?
Bombay blood group?
Yang penting golongan darah kamu sama dengan aku
Yours is a 100% match for me.
Golongan darahmu itu jarang.
Yours is a rare blood group.
Golongan Darah Terima kasih untuk artikel ”Pandangan Alkitab: Apakah Kepribadian Anda Ditentukan oleh Golongan Darah?”
Blood Type Thank you for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Is Your Personality Determined by Blood Type?”
Golongan darah Anda adalah...
Your blood type is...
Dari " klasifikasi Menurut Golongan berdarah panas. " menurut Minmei
From " Classified Heat-Blood Vol. " Minmei Publishing
Ini golongan darah Amy, B. Kita akan segera dapat DNA.
It is Amy's, type B, and we should have DNA soon.
Itu kit tes golongan darah dari Arquero.
That's a blood-type kit from our Arquero line.
Teks kartun Park tentang kepribadian golongan darah diterbitkan secara reguler di situs portal terbesar Korea Selatan, Naver.com.
Park's cartoon scripts on blood type personalities are published on South Korea's largest portal site, Naver.com on a regular basis.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of golongan darah in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.