What does bokong in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word bokong in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use bokong in Indonesian.

The word bokong in Indonesian means butt, rump, buttock, buttocks. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word bokong


noun (buttocks)

Ada mustar untuk cocktail frank, jilat bokong?
Got any mustard for that cocktail frank, butt-lick?



Mulut yang berair, lezat, bokong panggang, jagung bakar, Porselen.
A mouthwatering, delicious, corn-fed Porcelain rump roast.




noun (two rounded portions of the anatomy, traditionally located on the posterior of various organisms)

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Cium bokongku
Kiss my ass.
Aku tak mau kau masukkan itu di bokongku.
No, you're not putting those in my butt.
Sistem ampli tabung itu sungguh menghajar bokong kecilmu!
That tube amp system kicked your scrawny ass!
Goyangkan bokongku.
Shakin'my bacon!
Takkan kumasukkan dibokongmu.
I wouldn't put it in your butt.
Aku pastikan aku punya Zima untuk menghilangkan sakit di bokongku.
I made sure I had Zima for that little pain in the ass.
Kau tahu, kalau aku punya anjing yang sejelek kau akan kucukur bokongnya dan menyuruhnya berjalan mundur.
You know, if I had a dog as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards.
Aku tak percaya mereka membiarkan bokong seksiku masuk...
I still can't believe they let my sexy fat ass in.
Todd, kapan kau pernah menendang bokong orang?
When did you ever kick anyone' s ass?
Kau sudah menumbuhkan tangan-bokong!
It already made you sprout a butt-hand!
Beri tepukan penyemangat di bokong salah satu nenek itu, pasti tulang panggulnya patah.
Give one of those old ladies a good-luck pat on the rear, it'll shatter her pelvis.
Apakah anakku nanti tidak punya bokong?
If I have a son, will he really be cursed?
Singkirkan tanganmu dari bokongmu, kamu bukan Tuhan.
Why don't you stop the puck in your big vagina, you Russian lesbian?
Mereka menutupi bokong mereka, dan 1-7 dari ekonomi AS akan dibawa keluar.
They cover their butts, and one-seventh of the U.S. economy gets taken out.
Kau benar-benar menjilat bokongnya,
You really licked his ass.
Dan mungkin jika aku menaruh pena ini ke dalam bokongmu kemudian menulis namaku di dalamnya, kau akan ingat?
And maybe if I put this pen right into your asshole then write my name inside, you will remember?
Anda lebih baik mengambil kembali Atau waktu berikutnya Anda akan menari, itu akan di bokongmu Karena aku akan mematahkan kedua kaki Anda turun di lutut.
You better take that back or the next time you be dancing, it'll be on your ass because I'll break both your legs off at the knees.
Pada tahun 1999, ketika ditanya mengenai komentarnya di El País, Gibson mengatakan, "Saya seharusnya tidak mengatakan itu, namun saya menyentuh sedikit vodka selama wawancara tersebut, dan kutipan itu datang kembali untuk menggigit saya di bokong."
In 1999 when asked about the comments to El País, Gibson said, "I shouldn't have said it, but I was tickling a bit of vodka during that interview, and the quote came back to bite me on the ass."
Seseorang baru saja menancapkan jempolnya pada bokongku.
Someone just stuck their thumb up my ass.
kuningan tentara tidak akan pernah di dorong ke lubang bokong kita.
Army brass should have never pulled us out of that shithole.
Bokongmu menindihku!
Your butt is crushing me!
Kawan, kau tahu, aku menendang bokongnya.
Man, you know I'd kick his ass.
Keluar dari bokongku.
You get out of my butt.
Ada sesuatu kah di bokongnya?
Did she have something up her ass?
Hanya saja bokongnya tidak menancap di tongkat perak selamanya!
Except he's not the one whose butt is stuck to a big silver stick forever!

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of bokong in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.