What does berjenggot in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word berjenggot in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use berjenggot in Indonesian.

The word berjenggot in Indonesian means barbate, bearded. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word berjenggot





Kini jenggot dan kumis ini takkan pernah kulepas!
Now this beard and moustache will not come off!

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Dapatkan kecil Anda bergembira band misfits untuk berperilaku, dan aku akan keluar jenggot kotor Anda selamanya.
Get your little merry band of misfits to behave, and I'll be out of your dirty beard forever.
Mungkin aku harus lebatkan jenggotku.
Maybe I should go full beard.
Maksudku, topi dan jenggotnya.
I mean, the hat and the beard...
Aku menumbuhkan jenggot perpisahanku.
I grew my breakup beard.
Ketika mendengar hal ini, Ezra mengoyak pakaian dan mantelnya yang tidak berlengan, mencabut beberapa rambut dari kepala dan dari jenggotnya, dan terus duduk termangu sampai waktu persembahan biji-bijian senja.
Upon hearing this, Ezra ripped his garment and his sleeveless coat apart, pulled out some of the hair of his head and his beard, and kept sitting stunned until the evening grain offering.
/ Tumbuh jenggot kambing.
Grow a goatee.
Kini jenggot dan kumis ini takkan pernah kulepas!
Now this beard and moustache will not come off!
Yang memiliki jenggot dan kumis.
It has a beard.
Salah satu bukti perubahannya adalah sewaktu ia memangkas pendek rambutnya yang gondrong dan mencukur habis jenggotnya yang lebat dan tak terurus.
One of the first evidences of his change was that he cut short his long hair and shaved off his straggly beard.
Mari kita buang jenggot, sepeda, payudara palsu.
Let's drop the beards, the bikes, the fake boobies.
Kami akan menertawaimu sampai kau cukur jenggot.
We're gonna make fun of you until you shave the beard.
Mirip dengan konsep spiritual kaum Hippi di Barat, mereka membiarkan rambut dan jenggotnya tumbuh tak terawat.
Eerily similar to hippies in the West, they let their hair and beards grow unchecked.
Dia punya jenggot.
He has a beard.
Dan jenggot di dagunya seputih salju;
And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow;
Gemuk dan berjenggot?
Chubby and bearded?
Entah apa aku akan suka wajah di balik jenggot ini.
I don't know if I'm gonna like whoever's under this beard.
Lepaskan jenggot palsumu.
Take off your beard.
Pangkal jenggotnya agak terlalu...
The stubble is a little..
Berhenti bermain dengan jenggotmu.
Stop playing with it.
Terakhir kali Anda memotong jenggot Anda, Anda menjual rumah dan kami pindah ke Kentucky selama satu tahun.
Last time you cut off your beard, you sold the house and we moved to Kentucky for a year.
Beliau berkeliling Cambridge dengan jenggot palsu menyebut dirinya Yesus John Harvard.
He'd been going around Cambridge in a fake beard calling himself Jesus John Harvard.
Pria-pria Israel di zaman dahulu memelihara jenggot namun tidak terlalu panjang, dan mereka menggunakan alat cukur untuk menjaga kerapiannya.
Israelite men of old wore beards of moderate length, and they used a razor to keep them well trimmed.
Saya mulai berpakaian serbahitam, dan membiarkan rambut serta jenggot saya tumbuh panjang.
Soon I began to dress in black, and I grew long hair and a beard.
27 ”’Jangan mencukur rambut di sisi sekeliling kepala kalian, atau memotong ujung-ujung jenggot kalian.
27 “‘You must not shave* the hair on the side of your head* or disfigure the edges of your beard.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.