What does berbeda-beda in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word berbeda-beda in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use berbeda-beda in Indonesian.
The word berbeda-beda in Indonesian means alter, change, depart. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word berbeda-beda
alterverb Dan, arus udara yang berbeda-beda kekuatannya dapat mengubah arah dan kecepatan. And different levels of air currents can alter the speed and direction. |
changeverb Tidak ada yang akan menyadari perbedaan-perbedaannya. No one's going to notice those split lines and changes. |
departverb |
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Untuk menguji seberapa baik performa versi iklan Anda yang berbeda-beda secara bersamaan, buat iklan baru. To test how well different versions of your ad perform simultaneously, create new ads. |
Para sarjana ilmu sosial mengamati bahwa manusia memiliki gaya mendengarkan yang berbeda-beda. Social scientists observe that people have different listening styles. |
Namun, para kritikus menyatakan adanya gaya tulisan yang berbeda-beda dalam buku-buku tersebut. However, critics claim to see different writing styles in the books. |
Angka yang berbeda-beda telah dilaporkan mengenai jumlah korban dari bencana-bencana ini. Varying figures have been reported for the number of victims of some of these disasters. |
Tentu saja, caranya berbeda-beda menurut kepercayaan mereka. Of course, how they try to do this varies according to their beliefs. |
Di tempat lain, meliputi Timur Dekat Kuno, Tiongkok Kuno, dan India Kuno, terjadi rentang sejarah berbeda-beda. Outside this region, including ancient China and ancient India, historical timelines unfolded differently. |
Mengapa penomoran di buku Mazmur berbeda-beda dalam berbagai terjemahan Alkitab? Why does the numbering in the book of Psalms differ in various Bible translations? |
Ya, dengan nama berbeda-beda. Yeah, with different names. |
Masa pertumbuhan yang cepat ini bagi setiap orang datang pada waktu yang berbeda-beda. Each individual’s time for this rapid growth period comes at its own point. |
Bila kita mengamati semangkuk nasi Jepang yang baru dimasak, setiap butir nasi kelihatan terpisah dan berbeda-beda bentuknya. A close look at a bowl of freshly cooked Japanese rice reveals that individual grains appear to stand in relation to each other. |
Reaksi di kalangan bangsa-bangsa berbeda-beda. This has met with a mixed reception among the nations. |
Oleh karena itu, hari kabisat —selang waktu dari siang ke siang —lamanya berbeda-beda sepanjang tahun. Thus, the solar day —the interval from noon to noon— varies in length throughout the year. |
Tetapi, Yesus menampakkan dirinya kepada banyak orang pada saat yang berbeda-beda. Contradicting that theory is the fact that the appearances occurred to many people at different times. |
Dan kini saya melayani sebagai pengawas wilayah, memberikan khotbah-khotbah di sidang yang berbeda-beda setiap minggu. And now I serve as a circuit overseer, giving talks to a different congregation every week. |
* Bagaimana Injil mempersiapkan kita untuk menjadi bersatu dengan orang dari latar belakang yang berbeda-beda? * How does the gospel prepare us to become unified with people from different backgrounds? |
Memang, standar kebersihan berbeda-beda sesuai dengan kebiasaan dan keadaan. Obviously, standards of cleanliness vary according to customs and circumstances. |
Sebutkan beberapa alasan mengapa hati nurani orang Kristen berbeda-beda, dan bagaimana hendaknya tanggapan kita? What are some reasons why Christian consciences differ, and how should we deal with such differences? |
Kisarannya berbeda-beda. His range is different. |
Yang pertama adalah bahwa manusia pada dasarnya berbeda-beda dan beragam. The first is this, that human beings are naturally different and diverse. |
Ini kejadiannya dalam derajat yang berbeda-beda. This is the case in differing degree. |
Di Gereja, terlepas dari perbedaan-perbedaan kita, Tuhan mengharapkan kita untuk menjadi satu! In the Church, in spite of our differences, the Lord expects us to be one! |
Tapi yang terutama, walaupun berbeda-beda, kalian tetap bersatu.” But most of all, you are truly multiracial.” |
Orang sering mengatakan bahwa mereka percaya kepada Tritunggal, namun pengertian mereka masing-masing tentang hal itu berbeda-beda. People often say they believe in the Trinity, yet they differ in their understanding of it. |
Dalam tabel iklan, Anda akan melihat performa versi iklan yang berbeda-beda. In the ads table, you'll see data on how different versions of your ad performed. |
The Age of Reason memicu kemarahan sebagian besar pembaca dan kritik, meskipun intensitas kemarahan tersebut berbeda-beda. The Age of Reason provoked a hostile reaction from most readers and critics, although the intensity of that hostility varied by locality. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.