What does bangun tidur in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word bangun tidur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use bangun tidur in Indonesian.
The word bangun tidur in Indonesian means to wake up, wake up. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word bangun tidur
to wake upverb Bagaimana kau bisa bangun tidur namun terlihat begitu cantik. How is it possible for you to wake up looking this good? |
wake upverb Travis, saya akan mengirim teks saat bangun tidur. Travis, I'm gonna text you when she wakes up. |
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Bangun tidur aku Napsu. I'm bitchy as hell when I wake up. |
Setelah bangun tidur, Kaoru tidak melihat Kenshin, lalu ia lari mencarinya. Upon waking up, Kaoru does not see Kenshin and goes in search for him. |
Jika kau bangun tidur sendirian disini, kamu tidak akan pernah ingin kembali. If you woke up here alone, you'd never get back. |
Kevin bangun tidur dan disebelahnya terdapat Vicky dan mengasumsikan bahwa mereka telah berhubungan seks. Kevin wakes up next to Vicky and assumes they had sex. |
Kita mungkin punya waktu 1 jam sebelum orang-orang mulai bangun tidur. We've probably got an hour before people start waking up. |
Pada tanggal 17 Agustus, seluruh rakyat Pelileo bangun tidur dengan melihat kotanya ditutupi dengan batu dan abu. On August 17, the whole of Pelileo woke up covered with rocks and ashes. |
Apa sudut pandang yang lebih baik daripada bangun tidur? What better vantage point than bunkmates? |
▪ Usahakanlah bangun tidur pada waktu yang sama setiap pagi untuk membentuk suatu ritme tidur yang teratur. ▪ Try to get up at the same time every morning so as to establish a regular sleep rhythm. |
Bakteri ini juga mengatur ritme sirkadian atau siklus bangun-tidur pada cumi-cumi. The bacteria may also help to regulate the squid’s sleep-wake pattern. |
Mereka bangun tidur, membaca koran lalu berangkat kerja. And they love to wake up... read the paper and go to work. |
Aku baru bangun tidur. I just woke up. |
Karena saat saya bangun tidur dan bercermin, Aku melihat wanita kulit hitam. Because when I wake up in the morning and I look in the mirror," she said, "I see a black woman. |
Bertahun- tahun gw bangun tidur yakin kl dia akan ada di dpn rumah For years I woke up believing he' d be outside the house |
Barangkali kalian pemalas harus bangun tidur sebelum tengah hari. Maybe you ought to have woke your lazy ass up before noon. |
Pergi tidur dan bangun tidur pada waktu yang sama setiap hari. Go to bed and get up at the same times each day. |
Akan jadi sulit menahan orang-orang di dalam hotel saat mereka bangun tidur. Gonna have a hard time keeping people in the hotel once they wake up. |
Rachel bangun tidur dengan rasa lapar. Rachel woke up hungry. |
Sekali waktu, kami bangun tidur dan ternyata bagian selimut yang ada dekat wajah kami sudah beku! Once, we woke up to find that the upper end of our blanket was stiff and white from our frozen breath! |
□ Bangun tidur sendiri □ Getting out of bed without prodding |
Travis, saya akan mengirim teks saat bangun tidur. Travis, I'm gonna text you when she wakes up. |
Dulu aku bangun tidur untuknya. I used to get up for her. |
Bagi Penatua Aidukaitis, pengalaman itu merupakan sebuah panggilan bangun tidur. For Elder Aidukaitis, the experience was a wake-up call. |
Apa maksudmu " Waktu Bangun Tidurnya? " What d'you mean by a " wake-up call "? |
Aku ingat aku bangun tidur sangat senang hari itu. I remember I woke... particularly happy that day. |
Jadi apa gunanya bangun tidur setiap pagi? So what's the point in getting out of bed in the morning? |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.