What does atas nama in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word atas nama in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use atas nama in Indonesian.

The word atas nama in Indonesian means on behalf of, behalf, in the name of, on behalf. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word atas nama

on behalf of

adposition (speaking or acting for)

Aku akan mengajukan surat pernyataan di pengadilan atas nama pemerintah kota..
I'll lodge a affidavit in the court on behalf of the municipality..



Aku ingin bicara atas nama Zedd sebelum hukuman matinya dilaksanakan.
I'd like to speak on Zedd's behalf before his sentence is carried out.

in the name of


Tapi bagaimana dengan manusia yang hidupnya kita korbankan atas nama misi kita?
But what of the humans whose lives we sacrifice in the name of that mission?

on behalf


Aku akan mengajukan surat pernyataan di pengadilan atas nama pemerintah kota..
I'll lodge a affidavit in the court on behalf of the municipality..

See more examples

Ya, pertama kita harus berdoa atas nama Yesus.
Well, we must pray in the name of Jesus.
Kami bersyukur atas sejumlah kontribusi yang telah dipersembahkan atas namanya ke dalam Dana Misionaris Umum Gereja.
We are grateful for the numerous contributions which have been offered in her name to the General Missionary Fund of the Church.
Kadang Tyler bicara atas namaku.
Sometimes, Tyler spoke for me.
Atas nama siapa?
What's your name?
Aku bersumpah atas nama ibuku, takkan kulakukan.
I swear on mom, I won't.
Rekor terakhir dengan waktu 10,49 detik tercatat atas nama mendiang Florence Griffith-Joyner pada tahun 1988.
The current record is 10.49 seconds set by Florence Griffith-Joyner in 1988.
Dengan kekuatan pribadiku atas Gereja atas nama Tuhan Yesus, jiwa jahat, tunjukkan dirimu.
By the power vested on me by the Church in the name of our Lord Jesus, evil soul, show yourself.
Ini atas nama keluarganya.
It's on behalf of his family.
Aku menelepon atas nama Alan Fitch.
I'm calling on behalf of Alan Fitch.
Kau sadar ini mobil atas nama patuska.
Are you aware this car is registered to Mantas Bartuska?
Mobilnya terdaftar atas nama suaminya, Dix Turner.
Car's registered to her husband, Dix Turner.
Atas nama siapa?
On whose behalf?
Adakah hal-hal yang saudara tidak setujui yang dilakukan atas nama agama?
Are there things done in the name of religion of which you do not approve?
Atas nama Bangladesh, Kapten Grup A. K. Khandker bertindak sebagai saksi penyerahan diri.
On behalf of Bangladesh, Group Captain A. K. Khandker acted as witness to the surrender.
Atas nama Tuhan Ayah, Anak dan Roh Kudus, amin.
In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, amen.
Perkembangan ini membuat jalan bagi kontribusi untuk dibuat atas nama Timur terhadap konsepsi sains Barat semacam alkimia.
This development made way for contributions to be made on behalf of the East towards the Western conception of sciences such as alchemy.
Kami akan mengembalikan semua aset atas namamu pada masyarakat.
We are going to give back all the assets under your name back to society.
Pada 1840 Inggris pun mendeklarasikan perang terhadap China atas nama “perdagangan bebas”.
In 1840 Britain duly declared war on China in the name of ‘free trade’.
Aku punya 4 ribu dolar atas nama Rex di sini dan masih ada lagi nanti.
I got four thousand dollars in Rex's name right here... and there's more coming.
Pria ini, Pietro, memerintah giudicato atas namanya (sebagai Torchitorio III) diikuti dengan kematian Konstantinus.
This man, Peter, ruled the giudicato on her behalf (as Torchitorio III) following the death of Constantine.
Diyakini atas namamu.
It's in a trust in your name.
Persetujuan terhadap Persyaratan Iklan Pemilu Google atas nama organisasi
Agreement to the Google Election Advertising Terms on behalf of the organisation
Tidak, rumah ini atas namaku.
No, the house is in my name.
Maka, dalam hal datang atas nama Yehuwa, Yesus adalah seorang nabi seperti Musa.
So, in coming in Jehovah’s name, Jesus was a prophet like Moses.
Atas nama Ratu Maria, mereka menjamin amnesti umum, namun Horvat bersaudara menolak untuk menyerah.
On Queen Mary's behalf, they promised a general pardon, but the Horvats refused to submit.

Let's learn Indonesian

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.