What does anak perusahaan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word anak perusahaan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use anak perusahaan in Indonesian.

The word anak perusahaan in Indonesian means subsidiary, subsidiary company, subsidiary company. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word anak perusahaan



Ternyata perangkat lunak yang perusahaan keamanan mereka pakai. adalah hak milik anak perusahaan Nolcorp.
Turns out the software their security company is using is proprietary to a subsidiary of Nolcorp.

subsidiary company


Sudah waktunya untuk mengelola salah satu anak perusahaan kita.
It's time for him to manage one of our subsidiary companies.

subsidiary company

noun (company that is completely or partly owned and partly or wholly controlled by another company)

Sudah waktunya untuk mengelola salah satu anak perusahaan kita.
It's time for him to manage one of our subsidiary companies.

See more examples

Ethos Water, anak perusahaan Starbucks, adalah merek air kemasan dengan misi sosial "membantu anak-anak mendapatkan air bersih."
Ethos Water, a Starbucks subsidiary, is a brand of bottled water with a social mission of "helping children get clean water."
Sebelum merger, Bandai dan Namco memiliki berbagai anak perusahaan yang bekerja di bawah mereka.
Prior to the merger, Bandai and Namco had various subsidiaries that worked under them.
Sebelumnya, studio adalah anak perusahaan dari Marvel Entertainment sampai The Walt Disney Company mereorganisasi perusahaan di Agustus 2015.
Previously, the studio was a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment until Disney reorganized the companies in August 2015.
Moneypenny memberi tahu Bond bahwa Raja Pale adalah Mr. White, mantan anggota anak perusahaan Quantum.
Eve Moneypenny informs Bond that the Pale King is Mr. White, a former member of the organisation's subsidiary Quantum who had fallen afoul of Oberhauser.
Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh BMJ Group, anak perusahaan yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh British Medical Association.
The journal is published by the global knowledge provider BMJ, a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association.
Perusahaan itu juga gagal membuka sebuah pusat inovasi dan anak perusahaan di Tiongkok.
The company has also unsuccessfully sought to open an innovation hub and subsidiaries in China.
Maskapai ini sekarang merupakan anak perusahaan Avianca.
The airline is now a subsidiary of Avianca.
Boeing membangun enam puluh pesawat pertama yang khusus untuk operasional anak perusahaan United Airlines miliknya.
Boeing built the first 59 aircraft exclusively for its own United Airlines subsidiary's operations.
Hal ini terus beroperasi sebagai anak perusahaan Citigroup.
It continues to operate as a Citigroup subsidiary.
Perusahaan ini mempekerjakan 17.000 orang melalui 30 anak perusahaan dan mendistribusikan produk-produknya di lebih dari 159 negara.
It employs 17,000 people via 30 subsidiary companies and distributes its products in over 159 countries.
Cabang anak perusahaan dibuka di Taiwan pada tahun 1960.
A subsidiary branch was opened in Taiwan in 1960.
Apakah dia berencana membuat anak perusahaan, mungkin?
Is he planning on making a subsidiary, perhaps?
Pada tahun 2002, operasional gerbong barang diserahkan ke anak perusahaan CargoNet, dan departemen perawatan menjadi Mantena.
In 2002 the freight operations were split to the subsidiary CargoNet, and the maintenance department became Mantena.
Aku akan membawa Andari ke Anak perusahaan Subsidiaries, Aku Harus TAPI at Dilaporkan mereka Pergi.
I'll take you to the plantation, but I gotta get back before they leave.
Untuk melayani rute regional Eropa, maskapai ini membentuk anak perusahaan bernama Swiss European Air Lines.
The airline set up a regional airline subsidiary called Swiss European Air Lines.
Anak perusahaan ini bertanggung jawab untuk mendistribusikan program Televisa melalui satelit.
This subsidiary is responsible for the distribution of Televisa programmes by satellite.
Perusahaan ini merupakan anak perusahaan dari Yum!
The company is a subsidiary of Yum!
Norwegian Air Argentina adalah maskapai penerbangan asal Argentina yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari Norwegian Air Shuttle.
Norwegian Air Argentina S.A. is an Argentinian low-cost airline owned by Norwegian Air Shuttle.
Perusahaan ini terdiri dari 38 anak perusahaan di kedua negara.
It consists of 38 subsidiaries in both countries.
Perusahaan ini adalah independen secara hukum anak perusahaan 100% dari MBDA yang dimiliki EADS, BAe System dan Finmeccanica.
The company is a legally independent 100% subsidiary of MBDA which belongs to EADS, BAE Systems and Leonardo.
Shell Oil Company, anak usahanya di Amerika Serikat, adalah salah satu unit bisnis terbesarnya.
Shell Oil Company, its principal subsidiary in the United States, is one of its largest businesses.
Perusahaan ini merupakan anak perusahaan independen yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh Activision dan berbasis di Foster City, California.
The company is an independent, wholly owned subsidiary of Activision and is based in Foster City, California.
Viu adalah layanan video over-the-top (OTT) yang dioperasikan oleh PCCW Media, anak perusahaan PCCW.
Viu is an over-the-top (OTT) video service operated by PCCW Media, a subsidiary of PCCW.
Didirikan pada tahun 2006 sebagai anak perusahaan Nukem Energy.
It was established in 2006 as a subsidiary of Nukem Energy.
Pada tahun 1997, cabang-cabang Prancis digabung untuk membentuk anak perusahaan Renault France Automobiles (RFA).
In 1997, the French branches were merged to establish the subsidiary Renault France Automobiles (RFA).

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.