What does adang in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word adang in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use adang in Indonesian.

The word adang in Indonesian means block, safety, congest. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word adang



Gajah-gajah yang kelaparan dari hutan-hutan di sebelah timur Bangkok telah mengadang truk-truk tebu di jalan, lalu membajak tebunya.
Hungry elephants from the jungles east of Bangkok have been blocking the roads used by sugarcane trucks and hijacking their sweet cargo.





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(1 Tesalonika 5:14) ”Jiwa-jiwa yang tertekan” itu mungkin mendapati bahwa keberanian mereka sedang memudar dan bahwa mereka tidak dapat menanggulangi kendala yang mengadang mereka tanpa bantuan orang lain.
(1 Thessalonians 5:14) Perhaps those “depressed souls” find that their courage is giving out and that they cannot surmount the obstacles facing them without a helping hand.
”Semakin dekat Bangui,” ceritanya, ”semakin banyak pengadang jalan yang kami hadapi.
“The closer we got to Bangui,” he relates, “the more roadblocks we encountered.
Tokyo Ekpres dimulai segera setelah berlangsungnya Pertempuran Pulau Savo Agustus 1942, dan berlangsung hingga akhir kampanye Kepulauan Solomon ketika konvoi besar Tokyo Ekspres diadang Sekutu dan hampir dihancurkan seluruhnya dalam Pertempuran Tanjung St. George 26 November 1943.
The Tokyo Express began soon after the Battle of Savo Island in August 1942 and continued until late in the Solomon Islands campaign when one of the last, large Express runs was interdicted and almost completely destroyed in the Battle of Cape St. George on November 26, 1943.
Dalam usus kecil, ini menyebabkan reaksi peradangan dan dapat memendekkan vili yang melapisi usus kecil (vili atrofi).
In the small bowel, this causes an inflammatory reaction and may produce shortening of the villi lining the small intestine (villous atrophy).
Ia membantu kami melewati beberapa pengadang jalan yang sangat berbahaya.
He helped us get past several extremely dangerous roadblocks.
Tentangan para pemimpin agama bukanlah satu-satunya tantangan yang mengadang para utusan injil yang mula-mula.
Clerical opposition was not the only challenge the early missionaries confronted.
Setelah merebut arungan S. Yordan, orang Israel mengadang orang-orang Moab yang mundur ke negeri asal mereka.
After capturing the fords of the Jordan, the Israelites cut off the Moabites’ retreat to their homeland.
Mereka telah belajar melalui pengalaman bahwa Yehuwa tidak pernah menelantarkan umat-Nya yang loyal, yang mencari-Nya untuk memperoleh bantuan sewaktu cobaan dan godaan mengadang. —2 Tim.
They have learned through experience that Jehovah never deserts his loyal ones, who look to him for help when trials and temptations come their way. —2 Tim.
Pengindraan penciuman: Reseptor penciuman mengikat epitel penciuman (reseptor penciuman) dan feromon (reseptor vomeronasal) Pengaturan perilaku dan suasana hati: Reseptor di otak mamalia mengikat beberapa neurotransmiter yang berbeda, termasuk serotonin, dopamin, GABA, dan glutamat Pengaturan aktivitas dan peradangan sistem imun: Reseptor kemokin mengikat ligan yang memerantarai komunikasi antar sel antara sel-sel sistem imun; reseptor seperti reseptor histamin mengikat mediator inflamasi dan melibatkan tipe sel target dalam respons inflamasi.
The sense of smell: Receptors of the olfactory epithelium bind odorants (olfactory receptors) and pheromones (vomeronasal receptors) Behavioral and mood regulation: Receptors in the mammalian brain bind several different neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and glutamate Regulation of immune system activity and inflammation: Chemokine receptors bind ligands that mediate intercellular communication between cells of the immune system; receptors such as histamine receptors bind inflammatory mediators and engage target cell types in the inflammatory response.
Ini membantu dia mengembangkan teori bahwa peradangan adalah respon tubuh terhadap penyakit, dan tidak sendiri patologis.
This helped him develop his theory that inflammation was a bodily response to disease, and was not itself pathological.
Pandangan ini didasarkan atas dugaan bahwa Adoni-bezek bergerak ke selatan untuk bergabung dengan pasukan Kanaan lainnya tetapi diadang oleh Yehuda dan Simeon, dikejar ke utara ke Bezek, dan dikalahkan di sana.
Such a view would require the assumption that Adoni-bezek came S to join other Canaanite forces but was met by Judah and Simeon, was chased N to Bezek, and was defeated there.
Harvey Gordon menulis, ”Saya percaya bahwa gejala-gejala yang mengganggu dari masa pasca uretritis [peradangan uretra] benar-benar diperbesar oleh minuman beralkohol dan makanan yang banyak bumbunya.
Harvey Gordon writes: “I do believe that the irritative symptoms in posterior urethritis are indeed aggravated by the ingestion of alcohol and spicy foods.
Ketika mendengar bahwa Debora dan Barak telah mengerahkan orang Israel untuk bertempur melawannya, Sisera mengumpulkan pasukannya, termasuk 900 kereta perang bersabit besi, dan mengadang Israel di Wadi Kisyon.
On hearing that Deborah and Barak had mustered the Israelites to fight against him, Sisera collected his forces, including his 900 iron-scythed chariots, and confronted Israel at the torrent valley of Kishon.
Banyak kesulitan yang mengadang mereka, tetapi mereka dibentengi oleh sukacita dari Yehuwa.
The odds were against them, but the joy of Jehovah was their stronghold.
Tidak soal apa rintangan yang mengadang mereka, tidak soal betapa sulitnya dilema yang mungkin mereka hadapi, Yehuwa akan menjadi apa pun yang dibutuhkan untuk membebaskan mereka dari perbudakan dan mengantarkan mereka ke Tanah Perjanjian.
No matter what obstacle loomed before them, no matter how difficult the predicament in which they might find themselves, Jehovah would become whatever was needed in order to deliver them from slavery and bring them into the Promised Land.
* Jika dibiarkan, peradangan dapat membuat sel-sel pecah atau mati.
* If unchecked, inflammation causes cells to burst and die.
Biarpun orang lain mungkin mengecewakan kita, kita dapat mengandalkan Yehuwa untuk bertindak dengan loyal demi kepentingan kita, membantu kita berhasil menghadapi cobaan apa pun yang bisa jadi mengadang kita.
No matter how other humans may let us down, we can count on Jehovah to act loyally in our behalf, helping us to face successfully whatever trials may come our way.
Sangat banyak pemadangan dewasa.
I'm getting a lot of dirty looks.
Makrofagus, sel-sel yang mengaktifkan respons sistem kekebalan, juga turut menuntaskan pekerjaan ini dengan berjaga-jaga untuk turut menyembuhkan peradangan.
The macrophages, cells that activate the immune response, also help complete the job by staying around to assist in quenching inflammation.
Hal ini memberi mereka keyakinan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi berbagai tantangan yang mengadang mereka.”
This gave them the confidence they needed to handle the challenges that came their way.”
Dengan menghambat sitokin-sitokin yang menyebabkan peradangan serta bersifat merusak, yaitu interleukin-1 dan faktor nekrosis tumor α.
By inhibiting proinflammatory and destructive cytokines, namely interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor α.
(Lukas 11:13) Roh tersebut merupakan kuasa yang paling kuat di alam semesta, maka roh itu pasti bisa memperlengkapi kita untuk sukses menghadapi cobaan atau godaan apa pun yang mungkin mengadang kita.
(Luke 11:13) That spirit is the most powerful force in the universe, so it can certainly equip us to face successfully any trial or temptation that may come our way.
Tujuan penanganan rinitis adalah untuk mencegah atau mengurangi gejala yang disebabkan oleh peradangan jaringan yang terdampak.
The goal of rhinitis treatment is to prevent or reduce the symptoms caused by the inflammation of affected tissues.
Itu bisa menyembuhkan peradangan luka.
It might kill the infection.
ILC3 terlibat dalam tumorigenesis terkait peradangan dengan menghasilkan sitokin IL-17, IL-22, IL-23.
ILC3 are involved in inflammation-related tumorigenesis by production of IL-17, IL-22, IL-23 cytokines.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.